Call for Papers

The 2024 International Conference on Intelligent Data Analytics and Sustainable Systems aims to enhance the advanced technical development, bridge the gap between the two domains and foster discussions, collaborations and knowledge exchange among the experts with diverse backgrounds. We invite researchers, academicians, practitioners, policymakers and industry professionals to submit their original research papers, case studies and abstracts for consideration. This conference will create a multidisciplinary platform for participants to showcase and share their cutting-edge research findings, practical applications, experiences and insights related to intelligent data analytics and sustainable systems across a wide range of problem domains, theories, technologies and applications from software and hardware designs.

Key themes and topics to be covered in the conference include, but are not limited to:

  • Intelligent Data Analytics Methods or Tools
    • Emerging Aspects of Data Science
    • Theory and Algorithm
    • Computational Intelligence and Applications
  • Emerging Sustainability Challenges for Human Activity and Development
    • Sustainable Healthcare System
    • Sustainable Marine Industry
    • Cognition
    • Data Visualization, Curation and Management
  • Computer Vision and Visualization Technologies and Their Applications
    • Image-Based Recognition
    • Data Generation
    • Cognition
    • Data Visualization, Curation and Management
  • Advanced Human-Machine Interaction Technologies
    • Including Robotics
    • Intelligent vehicles
    • Virtual reality and augmented reality
    • Augmented Reality
  • Machine Learning and AI Technologies
    • Model Pruning
    • Advanced Deep Learning Technology
    • Optimal Neural Network
    • Natural Language Processing
    • Statistical Learning Architectures and Technology-Enhanced Learning
    • Efficient Neural Network Architecture Search and Design
  • Methods or Tools for Sustainable Systems
    • Data-Driven Strategies for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
    • Sustainable Urban Planning and Smart cities
    • Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems
    • Energy-Efficient Data Analytics and Smart Grids
    • Cyber-Security
    • Communication Networks

Important Dates:

All deadlines are 23:59 Pacific Time (PT). No extensions will be granted.
  • Workshop Proposal Deadline: June 15, 2024
  • Special Session Proposal Deadline: June 15, 2024
  • Submission Deadline: July 15, 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance: August 24, 2024
  • Camera-Ready Deadline: August 31, 2024
  • Author Registration Deadline: September 15, 2024

Scalable journal:

Articles of high quality will be recommended to the following journals:
  • IET Image Processing Journal
  • Intelligent Marine Technology and Systems
  • Journal of Marine Science and Engineering
And the Special Issue in the Journal of Marine Science and Engineering:
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